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Recent Study Shows How Discontented Priests Are with Bishops’ Handling of Sexual Abuse

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate recently completed “Same Call, Different Men: The Evolution of the Priesthood since Vatican II,” which shows continuing discontent among many priests at how bishops have dealt with clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. As reported yesterday by National Catholic Reporter, CARA study: Priests not content with bishops on sex abuse front, here is an excerpt from the study:

“I’m getting angry because, as a priest, I am expected to be supportive of the Church. I feel like the bishops have put us in an indefensible position. The bishops are the ones who did so much of this covering up. They left priests out on a limb. The way we choose bishops in the Church has to be changed. I’m sick and tired of someone being made a bishop because he was such a good secretary. Let someone who is a good pastor be a bishop.”

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Rome Symposium on Clergy Sexual Abuse Enters Its Third Day

The symposium in Rome on clergy sexual abuse scandal, Toward Healing & Renewal, has entered its third day and is drawing worldwide attention. Vatican organizers hope results will inform dioceses around the world to develop effective guidelines for dealing with the scandal in time to meet the May deadline for sending such guidelines to the Vatican for review. Voice of the Faithful remains cautiously hopeful of the outcome. Here is a link to the symposium’s opening statement by Cardinal William Levada, prefect for the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and some of the latest media coverage–

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Symposium on Clergy Sexual Abuse Begins in Rome

Roman Catholic Church leaders from around the world gathered today in Rome to discuss clergy sexual abuse. Towards Healing and Renewal at the Pontifical Gregorian University has attracted hundreds of Church leaders to discuss ways to deal with clergy sexual abuse on a global scale. The horrendous crime of sexually abusing children notwithstanding, why the symposium was organized and what it will accomplish seem to depend on your attitude toward the scandal. The press is not allowed to view the symposium’s presentations, but press conferences are being held and presenters have been available for interviews. Here is a bit of the initial media coverage:

Voice of the Faithful issues its statement on the symposium Jan. 24.

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